INORMS (International Network of Research Management Societies) was formed in 2001 to bring together research management societies from across the globe, and its congress serves as a platform for interactions, sharing of good practice, and joint activities between the member societies.

Hiroshima University has won the bid to host INORMS Congress in 2020 with the support of Hiroshima Convention & Visitors Bureau and the City of Hiroshima. The three parties have been working together to attract and support conventions held in Hiroshima since they entered into the Agreement on Partnership and Co-operation in 2015.

Hiroshima CVB’s bid support included bid document preparation, venue finding service, and arrangement of official invitation letters from the president of Japan Tourism Agency and the Mayor of the City of Hiroshima.

As this will be the first INORMS Congress held in Asia, a lot of participants from Asian countries are expected, which would contribute greatly to developing research activities in each country as well as promoting international joint research.

While providing extensive support for preparation of the congress, Hiroshima CVB will build a stronger bond with Hiroshima University to attract more international meetings and events to Hiroshima in the future.
