800 participants and more than 100 exhibitors are expected to attend the 16th European Lead Battery Conference in Vienna (16ELBC). Lead Batteries are an essential part of our daily lives and the technological advances needed to keep pace with changing needs will be discussed. They are used in hundreds of different applications from vehicles to emergency power supply and renewable energy storage. The different technical demands will be discussed and the battery latest research and development presented during the Vienna congress.
The 27th Annual Congress of the European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy will attract more than 1,800 participants from over 70 countries. The scientific programme will provide a broad range of lecture topics, exciting Live Surgical sessions, Hands On Training and Testing Sessions and the universally recognized GESEA (Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment) diploma programme in endoscopic surgery. The congress provides a unique platform for scientific exchange, exposure to innovative new technologies and networking with colleagues from all over the globe.
Wolfgang Kerkhoff, Senior Partner and Theo von Froenau, Managing Partner, Eurokongress: «We are more than happy to be able to organize both meetings in Vienna, the leadership of both associations were in favour to move to Vienna and as the CORE PCO for both associations we supported this decision, after careful evaluation, knowing about the ideal set up Vienna can offer for our two meetings».
«The Vienna Convention Bureau was involved since the beginning in the bid process and the cooperation with Eurokongress was a smooth and perfect one and we are convinced that both events will be successful meetings in our city», commented Christian Mutschlechner, Director of the Vienna Convention Bureau at the Vienna Tourist Board.